There is no point to deny it: in 2020 we woke up one morning to find the world has changed because of a new virus. Even as it spread, we had never dreamed it would block the whole Earth and most activities deemed normal so far for a very, very long time.
This continues even today in a lot of countries with the pandemic’s ups and downs in numbers. In these uncertain times when even everyday sports activities were a faraway dream at some points, you can’t help but ask yourself: how can I travel for my extreme sports practices and needs?
We’ve gathered the most important rules and considerations you should take into account in the next few paragraphs.
How have extreme sports changed during COVID-19?
The pandemic started and overnight it turned out most of us were stuck at home - with no options to practice even ordinary sports with the exception of those of us that had already had the idea to set up a sort of training space in our house or apartment. This may or may not have included a room or just portable mats and training gear or accessories. No extreme sport can be practiced in closed, tightly packed with furniture spaces though. In addition, a lot of governments took measures to the extreme with blocking people to go outside except absolutely needed.
This is why it may come as a surprise that the tendencies in extreme sports are that the interest and search have in fact increased during the time of isolation. All reports say that most people have taken in sports in some form on the other. For some of them it is a permanent thing, and for others - a temporary hobby. Statistics don’t lie though when they show that even in these uncertain times when we don’t know when we can practice our favorite hobbies, we are sure to track and buy new equipment for them.
As well as that, hunger for extreme sports is even bigger now that we can travel again, although it can be done harder and with some restrictions. This is why you may have seen the Facebook community for your extreme sport of choice growing. Or, if you’re the type to film your adventures and put them out for the world to see - your audience has grown for sure.
What are the biggest challenges for traveling during COVID-19?
One of the things that have made traveling hard from the start of the pandemic until now is the absolute unpredictability of the situation almost everywhere in the world. This is why planning a trip has turned to be an extreme sport by itself.
It is hard to buy and reserve in advance since you don’t know if the borders will be open, if there will be new variations of the virus that will block everything again or if your certificate will be valid in the next few months.
In addition, most extreme sports can’t be practiced everywhere throughout the whole year. This means your money investment in travel, accommodation, and reservations made in advance might, at least partly, be lost if something changes.
The good news is that a lot of airlines and accommodation hosts have become pretty flexible when it comes to changing dates or returning money if the reason for delays or in case you become unexpectedly ill. As well as that, plenty of insurance companies offer special insurances if you get COVID during your travels so be sure to check if this is a service you can use.
Do your research in advance
The key to a good and successful trip, filled with positive emotions, is to do your research. When it comes to extreme sports, you no doubt know to consider:
- What time of the year is your favorite sport best to be practiced at a certain destination.
- What kind of a season is it going to be, so you know if you should pack sunscreen or a heavy jacket - or both!
- Which places do you want to visit and how will you transfer your gear from point A to point B (if you have your own).
- Do you need a specific document (license or permit) to practice your type of extreme sport in the country where you are going as well as check if you’d need a passport and/or visa?
- Do you need a special kind of vaccine/medication you should consider taking before starting your travels?
These are probably rules you’re pretty familiar with if this is not your first traveling experience to a destination for the sport you love to practice. No matter if it’s skiing, snowboarding, kitesurfing, or something else - you should always be prepared with the answers to these basic questions.
As well as that, from the time COVID hit you have to consider just a few more things. We have a few pieces of advice for travel for your favorite extreme sport during the time of pandemic that will make the planning and travel itself easier.
First of all, be as careful as you can at least a week before your travels - keep extra hygiene and if possible, avoid big crowds so you can protect yourself from catching the virus as well as you can. In addition - if you travel with a group, be sure to ask your travel agency how big it is and in what cases do they guarantee your safety. Important question is have they planned a quarantine zone or hotel where you and the group can stay if you have to quarantine yourselves.
Second, subscribe or check daily about the regulations for entry in your country of choice. Sometimes during the pandemic, we have seen statuses change with hours - and often make or break the whole trip. Pro tip: If the country you’re heading to has an official app for tourists - download it and read the advice you can find too. This is a big plus if you have not planned all of the trips too, since these applications usually offer ideas of what you can visit near or far from your destination. As well as that - be really careful what kinds of tests and/or certificates for vaccination the country takes! This can literally turn your trip around before it has started! A lot of countries will put you into 10 to 14 days quarantine too if you don’t have a valid document so be sure not to risk it.
And also: there are places where you cannot go into certain places, even sport centers, without a certificate or negative test. So be sure you’re prepared.
When you get to your destination
You are fresh off the plane (or boat, or bus) and you’re ready to explore! If you have gear that goes with your extreme sport, that needs to be handled with care, be sure to get a car to your accommodation. Best case scenario - rent one for yourself for at least the trip to the hotel. Most rental car services guarantee disinfection of the vehicles so you and your friends and/or family are safe.
When you get to the accommodation, don’t be shy to ask about hygiene. You have the right to be safe at the place you are staying - no matter if it’s at a rental place, a motel, or a hotel. Be sure to read extensively how they take care of disinfection, how often do they do it and if something seems wrong when you get there - demand a room that is up to the standards they claim to have.
Be sure to know and follow all COVID procedures and rules that are in force in the country. Some places still require masks even out in the open when there are a lot of people around, and most destinations have distancing rules for indoor activities at the least. As well as that, they are so strict sometimes you can get a fine if not following them to the word.
When you practice your favorite extreme sport
You are finally there - at the place, where you will be able to enjoy your favorite extreme sport! It’s a slope or an amazing mountain or a boundless sea. Now, it all comes to a few details you should take into consideration.
First of all - if you have your own gear, make sure it’s in good condition and ready for use. Make all the necessary safety steps so you can enjoy your practice.
If you’re renting though, make sure to ask some questions - first of all, if all disinfection measures are done after the previous user. Our advice is - avoid renting hard to be cleaned elements of gear like wetsuits, clothes, gloves, masks, and other pieces of clothing.
In addition, if you’re practicing a sport that takes you to remote conditions, be sure to never go alone. Most places in the world are strained when it comes to the availability of health professionals and emergency forces because of COVID. This is why it is better to be prepared than left waiting for help in harsh conditions for a life-threatening amount of time.
Of course, you can choose to practice your favorite extreme sports activity in your own country… or even backyard! Some of these rules will still no doubt apply to you, but not all. Just be sure to follow the rules that do apply and to be safe. Remember - it is only natural to crave exercise and the adrenaline rush that comes with most extreme sports but it is up to you to do it in the safest and most enjoyable way possible under the circumstances.
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