This is probably the dream of every athlete: to have a way to practice his favorite extreme sport all year round!
Most extreme sports are seasonal, while the passion for them simply does not fade, for hobbyists and professionals alike.
Of course, if you have the financial means to travel all year long to all the best places, your problems are pretty much solved. Unfortunately though, especially in the recent COVID times, this is either very difficult or downright impossible for some countries.
This is why we have gathered in one place a list of all the extreme sports that you can practice throughout the whole year - one way or another!
Climbing - all year long!
This is probably not the first extreme sport that comes to your mind when you think of adventures and adrenaline. Fact is, though, that it does provide both and in addition - you can practice it regardless of the season. This is because the sport offers a big variety of opportunities and options. What is more, from 2021 it is in fact an official Olympic sport!
The basic and most common definition of climbing is "action, done using one's hands, feet, or any other part of the body to ascend a steep topographical object". Knowing that you should also keep in mind there are more than twenty types of climbing. Therefore - an insane amount of climbing you can do throughout all year in the open or in closed spaces - as long as COVID regulations allow it.
The most common types of climbing you can experience are rock climbing - from late spring to late autumn and even the beginning of winter if you live in a country with late-year snowfall. The winter months are dedicated to the amazing art of ice climbing. If you want to try it, you will need to have to get special equipment for safety, though!
If you don’t want to get out in the cold or you just don’t think you’re ready for the challenge of the great outdoors, though, there is always indoor climbing. Most big cities offer at least one place you can challenge yourself with climbing in a safe and secure environment, with trained people to help you with security measures.
And if you’re just starting - you might want to make your first steps in climbing here. Most sports centers that offer indoor climbing usually give you the option to choose from at least three difficulties and advance in time. In addition - it is a great place to meet other people, interested in all sorts of climbing. As well as that: it’s a very good way to keep yourself in shape without actually realizing you're training all your muscles. A lot of people actually prefer climbing because of this and as a way to blow off steam from work. So why not give it a try?
Skiing and snowboarding… in summer!
Wait, aren’t skiing and snowboarding winter sports?! How can you practice them all year long without traveling around the world - which, as we stated earlier, is not been the easiest task in the last two years?
The great thing that we live right here, right now, in the 2020s, is that modern sports enthusiasts have it figured out. With the help of the technology of our age, artificial slopes that imitate snow can be created so you can practice your favorite sport all year long in dedicated spaces. No matter the season - spring, summer, autumn, winter - you can be there and practice your skiing and snowboarding skills!
Truth be told, the solution is not perfect, since most small sports centers of this sort cannot offer you all types of skiing and snowboarding, especially if you’re a fan of powder skiing. But hey - at least you can practice and not get rusty before you can hit the outdoor slopes again! And this is a good thing for all of the beginners out there!
In addition, you can have great coffee and someone from the staff to train you so you can advance your skills in a safe and warm environment. Usually, you can also train with a friend or two depending on your skill levels and the center’s rules.
As well as that, this is the perfect starting point for everyone who:
- is not sure if they’d like skiing and/or snowboarding at all
- doesn’t have the financial means and/or courage to hit the actual slopes in the mountains yet
- wants to learn the technical parts of the sport without risk
Most training centers also offer the means to change the difficulty of the artificial slopes, so you can really advance in your favorite winter sport. In addition, let’s not forget one more positive of this option: you can either rent or use your own equipment, which means you can try both sports without investing at all in advance. Trust us, it’s worth a try!
Skateboarding and rollerblading
Just the opposite of snowboarding and skiing, skateboarding and rollerblading are two sports that are usually practiced in all other seasons but winter. Although they are mostly not considered as extreme, they do have some technical movements that can prove to be quite dangerous. So what happens when you’ve just mastered that jump or turn and snow falls outside, leaving your gear in the closet until spring?
Well, we have good news for you - skateboarding and rollerblading can be practiced in special sports centers, equipped with slopes and rinks for these sports. Different difficulties and a lot of people to exchange ideas and experience with - it’s the perfect spot to practice before the snow melts and your favorite places outside are available for conquering again. Or on particularly rainy days.
So, be quick to find them on the map in your city before the first snow falls so you can be ready!
Ice Skating
Although it is not considered an extreme sport, ice skating is one of the prettiest and most challenging activities out there - even if you’re considering it only as a hobby.
And it is a total myth that you should be as young as possible to start practicing. All you need is the will and motivation to start. It is challenging but the progress you see with each training session will be so satisfactory it will be totally worth it - true story!
You may think it is only a winter sport too, but ice skating is usually practiced indoors at a lot of places too throughout the whole year too. Some centers have breaks for a few weeks in summer, but most of them have a running training schedule all year long - especially if your country is located north geographically.
It is true that nothing compares to the cold air while you skate outside and the feeling of flying on the ice, but look at it this way - if you choose to practice indoors, you get:
- a lot fewer people, if you choose a time slot that is not that crowded
- a trainer if you want to learn some more tricks to take away your friends’ breaths once you go skating next winter
- a space with usually better ice than it is on temporary rinks outside that most times very much depend on outdoor temperatures
- doing sports and training most of your muscles without even realizing it sometimes
All things considered - if you want to instantly travel somewhere cool and icy, this may be the solution to practice a sport all year long.
Paint-balling all year long
Paintball is one of the contemporary sports that really grew in popularity because we’ve seen it in so many movies and TV series. It is irresistible because it offers a lot of adrenaline and the opportunity to spend quality time with friends. And the more - the merrier!
As a competitive sport, paintball can be really fun and it’s one of the easiest to practice. You can rent gear in every paintball sports center or location (if you’re outdoors) and you have to bring only two things: clothes you don’t care much about if they get paint all over them and good mood.
And one of the great things about paintball is it can be practiced both indoors and outside. That means you can paintball all year long and perfect your aim so your team can win next time you’re against them!
Bungee jumping
Last, but not least, we cannot miss one of the most favorite extreme sports of about 70% of adventurers and adrenaline seekers out there: bungee jumping!
You might think: come on, this one you cannot possibly do indoors! And you will be absolutely right about this point. The thing is though, a lot of bungee jumping locations offer dates for the activity throughout most of the year: from March to December. There even may be more, if you live in warmer countries like Spain, for example.
Usually, the “holiday” months of bungee jumping are January and February. And once you do it, there is no going back - you will be addicted to the rush and want to do it again and again! The good thing is there are a lot of free dates as well as a lot of locations. In different countries, they vary from bridges to rocks to even platforms above caves, canyons, and even more, you have never dreamed of!
Get ready, take a breath and jump into these sports you can practice all year long, and don’t forget to let us know which one you chose on social media!
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