There is no doubt but a lot of proving in the theory that people who practice extreme sports have specific personality traits that lead them to a life of thrill, excitement, and new experiences.
What are those certain little things that point us in that direction and the specific sport we choose?
Let’s find out together of our personalities has to do with our extreme sports passion!
What extreme sports personalities do we know of?
For tens of years now, psychology has been interested in the personality traits and the way a thrill-seeking person’s mind is working - the chemistry, the thought process, the needs.
There have been hundreds of questions asked and answered but there are four main that actually sums it up when exploring the connection between personality and sports:
- Is there a connection between certain personalities and certain sports?
- Does practicing an extreme sport change / make us adapt to a certain personality?
- Does having a certain personality guarantee us to be better at one or other extreme sport?
- Is there a personality type that can be found in all extreme sports athletes?
Psychologists have proven with long and extensive research that there is a lot of evidence proving we are actually born with certain traits that lead us to a life we crave to fill with adrenaline and thrill. We get it from our parents and can’t change it - these are just the facts! Little differences in personality traits also prove though that certain sports, without a doubt, attract certain people.
There are four main personalities based on primary traits. First, we have the extrovert. In sports, just as in life, these people are the heart and soul of the club/team. They are the leaders and with their outgoing, social, and talkative personalities, they literally pull other people to their cause and sports addictions.
Extroverts tend to like group extreme sports - they excite them and make them compete and shine among others. They literally gain their energy from this. What is more, they prefer fast-paced extreme sports. Good examples of these are biking, motocross, kayaking, paintball, airsoft, and a lot more. The sport just has to include a lot of adrenaline and thrill and there is a big chance the introvert will be hooked. In addition, extroverts tend to lean into extreme sports that combine simple skills in different variations.
Next on the list, we have the introvert. The people in this category have shy and not so outgoing personalities. They are more reserved and hesitant in life, usually belong to a group, but are not the leader or the bubbly loud person. That doesn’t mean they are not likely to try an extreme sport, though - just the opposite! Introverts know their pros and cons and very often seek thrills that get them out of their comfort zone - in a good way.
Nevertheless, studies show that contrary to extroverts, introverts will most likely choose an extreme sport that allows them to shine individually and that gives them the opportunity to be practiced in more peace and solitude. The reason is introverted people usually get their energy from calmness and alone time. This is why a lot of introverts seem to choose variations of climbing, skateboarding, skiing and snowboarding, ice-skating, diving, water skiing, and lots more depending on the person’s individual interests.
Contrary to popular belief these are not the only two personalities we know according to a scale called Eysesnck’s personality inventory. We also have the neurotic type and the stable type. The neurotic types of people are unpredictable and unreliable. They tend to experience high degrees of stress. This is why they usually seek thrills that give large doses of adrenaline - bungee jumping, plane and parachute jumping, drift, and more.
People with stable personality traits though tend to be predictable in their moves, emotions, and decision-making. They tend to not stress too much and prefer sports that offer repetition and routine. Good examples of there are indoor bouldering, skiing, snowboarding, etc.
Last, but not least, we have to say that there seem to be some personality traits that you actually gain through practicing your favorite extreme sport. So in truth, this goes both ways - it is gained and returned.
How to find out what personality type you are?
There are a lot of personality tests online you can use to determine if you are an introvert, extrovert, or something in between so you can choose an extreme sport, based on your personality.
Since we don’t want you to stop reading and leave us before you finish though, we present you with a chart that can help you determine quickly and easily where you belong. And based on this - continue on to the parts where we talk more about the extreme sports you may want to try in the new year.
So, are you social or unsociable? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Moody or stable? Check up where you belong but keep in mind - you may have traits in more than one sphere of the graphic. This is not bad and it only shows you have a diverse personality. Yours is the one you have the most traits in.
What extreme sport should you try as an extrovert
We touched them briefly a few paragraphs ago, but let’s repeat - and give a few more suggestions!
Extroverts tend to prefer extreme sports that:
- can be practiced in teams or a group
- bring a lot of adrenaline and thrill
- have the option for the introvert to lead and shine
- are fast-paced and exciting
A great example of an extreme sport extroverts love is downhill skiing. It gives them the freedom, excitement, and adrenaline that they crave and test their skills in quick decision making. And it is proven that extroverts tend to do things in extreme sports without thinking much (or at all) about them.
So, in conclusion, we can say that any sport that offers them impulsiveness and the test of their abilities will addict them quickly. At some moments they even might seem like absolutely reckless people.
Other great examples of extreme sports extroverts love are:
- downhill mountain biking: adrenaline, adrenaline, and more adrenaline as well as competitiveness - what more can an introvert want?
- motocross - what downhill mountain biking brings, but even in higher adrenaline doses and higher speed
- kayaking/waterfall kayaking and rafting - a group activity that tests their skills, decision making and at the same time - gives them the option to be a leader
- paintballing and airsoft - you have teams, you have adrenaline and fast-pace as well as an opportunity to show up their leadership skills
- mountain boarding - a great combination between mountain biking and skateboarding, this sport has it all - nature, rough terrain, and speed as well as competition
- wakeboarding/water skiing - might be an individual sport but it’s one introverts love because of the adrenaline and speed
- ice cross downhill - a thrilling combination between speed skating and hockey that you play in a team
And if none of these are your cup of tea - don’t worry! There are loads of combinations and you just have to try them out!
Another interesting fact that is proven is the brains of extroverts work differently than those of introverts. In specifics: the brains of extroverts have different sensory processing of the world and this is part of the reason they choose the extreme sports they do.
What extreme sport should you try as an introvert?
What one should understand and keep in mind when we’re talking about introverts and extreme sports is that they might seem shy but they can be seeking just as much thrill and adrenaline as most other people.
Introverts tend to lean into sports that require:
- more concentration
- precision
- self-motivation
- individuality
There are a lot of introverts even in the professional extreme sports league and they are just as persistent as all extroverts. The difference - their brains work differently. Whereas extroverts have a more sensory perception of the world, introverts live and think in a way that accents more on memory and initial processing. This is why they tend to think more before they act and take their time to make a decision.
A lot of introverts prefer extreme sports like:
- scuba diving - individual and calm but also bringing excitement and thrill
- individual winter sports - snowboarding, skiing, and ice-skating might be usually practiced with people around for safety measures, but are actually some of the sports introverts prefer as they give them peace, solitude, and the option to plan and enjoy the ride/training session
- horse trail riding - another sport that offers as much individuality and enjoyment as an introvert can possibly crave
- climbing - in all its variations it’s a God sent for the introverts in this world
- most air sports - paragliding, hand gliding, and more
- some water sports like surfing, for example
Keep in mind though that even with so much scientific research everything is subjective and highly dependant on your life and the little differences in personality traits we develop in regards to the society we live in and the environment.
This being said, don’t pull the break if you’re an extrovert who wants to try scuba diving or an introvert who seems drawn to join a motocross or paintball or airsoft club. Remember - you give yourself to extreme sports and they give back. One thing is sure - you will come out of the experience changed and richer!
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