If you’re a woman looking for a new challenge with the New Year 2022 and you’re wondering if there’s a place for you in the extreme sports world… you’re in the right place!
Sit back, enjoy the read and let us take you on an empowering journey that will lead you straight to your new sports addiction and will answer all the questions you might have on the topic - guaranteed!
Can women practice extreme sports and when did that become possible?
The quick and short answer to this question is ‘YES’!
And the long one can vary through ‘Yes, of course’ and ‘Women can do everything they want!’ depending on who you ask. Nowadays it seems like there is nothing the supposedly gentle gender can’t do - and that is absolutely amazing!
Nevertheless sometimes and at some locations in the world, in more conservative and ruled by religious societies, participation in extreme sports by women is not looked good upon. These places are gradually disappearing in time though and women are given more and more the opportunity and freedom to express themselves by sports in any way they want.
But it was not always like that.
Just until two centuries ago women were viewed upon as weak and not capable of handling the toll of most extreme sports and even sports as a whole. In fact, they were the realm in which men dominated completely until the beginning of the 20th century when women, fighting furiously for their rights, claimed a place in the world of extreme sports.
The rebellion was much needed since women were not even allowed to watch the Olympic games. This is when and a woman named Fanny Bullock Workman decided to lead the change, climbing the then previously unexplored Siachen Glacier in the Himalayas and posing with a bold statement for women’s rights. She, along with many others after her, made history in the years that came so today all women can enjoy all the extreme sports in the world they might want to.
One name we should also state is Kathrine Switzer - a very special woman who in 1967 fought hard for the prohibition that prevented women from competing in marathons to be lifted. And she succeeded, setting up a precedent and example for all other women who wanted to compete in sports. From then on women participated and won thousands of medals and awards in all types of competitions. Today a lot of the most known names in some sports fields are women’s - and they’re accompanied by amazing records and titles. To name a few: Serena Williams, Stefka Kostadinova, Nadia Comaneci, and many more. Still, even with all their achievements and successful careers, a lot of women in sports still battle stigma, and their successes tend to be belittled. An entirely another aspect is the media coverage they receive - very often it focuses on their sexuality rather than on their abilities - something all women in sports battle furiously.
Now in extreme sports things didn’t go as smoothly. Only in the last 30 years, women have started to enter into the endearing and ever exciting world of adrenaline that extreme sports offer. The road was paved by Lynn Hill who is only one of the two people in history who managed to do a one-day free ascent rock climbing The Nose on El Capitan in 1993.
Her example was followed closely by the biker Anner-Caroline Chausson who won her first Mountain Bike World Championship only two months after first getting on a bike - along with a lot of other conquests in the biking world in which she continues to slay to this day.
After that, a lot more women dared to touch their potential in extreme sports. What is more, research in the past years all states that more than 70% of women feel empowered, free, and able to express themselves better while practicing an extreme sport of their choice.
What are the benefits of extreme sports for women?
Science is clear that sports and related activities are one of the ways to stay healthy and in shape for the most part of our lives. Extreme sports offer a little bit more though - and it’s as exciting as it can be!
We can safely say that in the 2000s extreme sports are on the rise - even despite the pandemic of COVID-19. And women are joining - at a fast pace and with a lot of excitement for it.
When asked why they point out the following:
- bigger and better sport/fitness goals
- the opportunity to push their limits
- the opportunity to do something different and excel in an exciting sport
- keeping fitter - both mentally and physically
- being part of a community of similar thinking people that share your values and goals
- being a better role model for younger generations that way
- helping to achieve peace of mind
What is more, there are quite a few reasons to try an extreme sport of your choice.
First of all, all extreme sports have one thing in common - adrenaline! The hormone of excitement is usually the first thing that makes one try a thrilling new experience. It turns into a passion and before you know it - you’re practicing, learning tricks, and keeping your adrenaline needs in check. And this is only one of the amazing things about it.
What is more, extreme sports have a very good effect on the body. We don’t mean only the physical benefits of getting fitter though. No. This is the time to talk about balance! Most extreme sports require you to gain the ability to stay centered and this is as much a physical as it’s a mental push. Not knowing how to balance and fall can cause you some major injuries.
Do you know that extreme sports can change your mind as much as your physique? Yes, you learn how important is to train more and more frequently as well as stretch well before engaging in your favorite sport. Even more important though is that it is proven that people who have extreme sports experiences with a lot of adrenaline involved have their brain chemistry changed? Of course, we’re talking for the better! They also get through life’s challenges better because they manage their fears better and manage to turn them into positive experiences.
One of the best things you can take from extreme sports is a boost of self-confidence - in training and being more fit. It is known that extreme sports also help people overcome physical challenges that reward them - both physically and mentally. This as a whole has a bigger impact on one’s life than you can imagine - before you realize you’ve become stronger and more sure of your abilities in any aspect of your life. All - because of extreme sports.
5 types of extreme sports that women love
Let’s get back for a second and repeat: nowadays women can do it all - including all the extreme sports they would possibly want to try. This being said, there are some extreme sports that women prefer to others. This is why we prepared a short list - just in case you’re a woman who is choosing what to get into.
Get on board the winter sports addiction
Winter sports are some of the most popular extreme sports in the world. Women have a big part of them both in the professional leagues and just for fun and staying in shape.
You can choose from a wide range of traditional and not so traditional sports. Among them are the popular skiing, exciting snowboarding, adrenaline-rising winter mountain/glacier climbing, and amazingly freeing ice-skating.
If you’re even more ambitious and looking for an even bigger thrill you can even try ice yachting, snow kiting, or even snow kayaking. So if you’re not afraid of the snow, ice, and a little bit of cold that can be solved with some warm clothes… be bold and hop right on the skis/boards!
Summer sports for the people that love the warmth
… and if winter scares you and your only wish is to watch it from the warmth of your home then you should maybe turn to summer extreme sports.
One of the most popular summer extreme sports that women practice in the warm months are skydiving, water kayaking, diving, surfing, kite surfing, and even more variations of these few. An exotic idea you can also try is sandboarding - if you have the environment for it.
The sky - and the depths of the waters, are your limit!
Motocross/mountain biking for more adrenaline
The past few decades have proved it - mountain biking and motocross are some of the extreme sports that are so challenging and thrilling for women that they crave to try them, advance in them, rule them.
Debunking the myths of the sport, women prove more and more every year that they can play in this previously guy-dominated world. Some people might say they choose it just because of this. Just as well though, you can practice it anywhere in the world, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune and brings both adrenaline and amazing views for the sore city eyes.
Climbing to the top - for the strong of heart
You’re not afraid of heights and want to test your body, push it to the end of its limits and after all - be satisfied and filled with adrenaline after it? Consider mountain climbing!
Outdoors or indoors, with different difficulty levels and available any moment of the year - the choice is yours to take - along with the best memories and satisfaction you will take from reaching the top!
Cross country combined sport competitions
This might come as a surprise to most, but this is one of the most popular extreme sports in the world that women love and practice. Probably because it combines a lot of disciplines and offers a unique challenge.
One thing is clear though - there’s nothing stopping the strong females in the world! And you can be one of them - starting today!
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