Xtreemo Blog

Blog posts about locations we visited and extreem sports we love.

10 amazing places to scuba dive

10 amazing places to scuba dive

Summer is slowly slipping through our fingers - pretty much like the sand on a beach on a pretty sunset, caught in a boomerang video. This doesn’t mean we’re ready to let it go though! What is more, we think that this is the perfect time to look back at destinations that we made amazing memories at and pinpoint the next locations on the map we can’t wait to pack our bags for next summer! Let’s travel together to the top 10 places in the world where scuba divers swear the experience is the best!

How to pick a snowboard

How to pick a snowboard

Snowboarding is one of the most exciting winter sports. It gives pleasure, it gives adrenaline and most of all - you always have the means to improve in different directions. Acrobatics, speed, slopes, up to 10 different styles - all up to you! But if you’re just starting you have all that magic to unravel before you - and the only way to do it the right way is with good equipment. And we’re here to help you pick it up!

Should you rent or buy kitesurfing equipment?

Should you rent or buy kitesurfing equipment?

No matter where you are, somewhere in the world is exactly kitesurfing o’clock! We can’t help it, because if the sea (or ocean) calls, we answer! But here comes the big question when practicing it – should you buy your own equipment or depend on renting some. Here are some pros and cons about both options! But first…

What to expect from your first paragliding experience?

What to expect from your first paragliding experience?

We all search for the moment we can get as close as possible to having wings. And paragliding is as close as it gets. The ultimate flying experience is waiting for you to try it – if you’re up for the challenge! Let’s disclose together the thrills and fears of the first-time paragliding experience together so you know what to expect when you try!

Snowboarding 101: where and how to begin

Snowboarding 101: where and how to begin

While everyone is at the beach... let's talk about taking up snowboarding for the first time - what to expect? Typically summer is not the time when we think and talk about snowboarding - and with reason! Looking around all we see are sandy beaches, hot weather, tanned skin…

8 legendary women of extreme sports

8 legendary women of extreme sports

Even in our day and age, one might still think that since extreme sports are, well, EXTREME, ladies would generally prefer to steer away from such hobbies. Reality proves this assumption wrong! Each year, more and more women enlist in various extreme sports such as kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, mountain biking, wakeboarding, paragliding, scuba-diving and many, many other different daredevil activities.

How to choose a kiteboarding kite

How to choose a kiteboarding kite

So… things have been going pretty good with your training. In fact, so good, that you’ve decided to buy a kite! Congrats!  Before confusion starts setting in, check these quick answers to common questions, as well as basic tips and tricks that will make it easier for you to choose a first kiteboarding kite!